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With smart options script you can measure your financial skills and see if you can forecast short term movements of major currency pairs. Do you think EUR will go up against USD in 30 seconds? Or maybe GBP will drop against CHF just in 5 seconds? The game results are recorded (in browser cookies), so you will be able to continue from where you stopped last time. If your looking for reliable Binary option script, there is no need to look much further.
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This script has strong PHP maximum security, on all the levels, E.g User dashboard, Register, Login, User main pages etc. Password is fully Encrypted, and much more instruction on how to use this script for any sever is included.
It has global language translator, exclusive webmail report with well documented and clean coded font interface
Find below Our Script Admin and User Demo Test
User Login: https://bit.ly/2CZWTCt
Username: prettyjullydolly@gmail.com
Password: Solomon1986
Admin Login: https://bit.ly/2I2ZcJm
Username: admin
Password: master12345
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Send Us Message On WhatsaAppRelease Information
April 6, 2019
Last Updated:
April 7, 2019
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