Firstprime- Simple and Secured Online Banking PHP Script With COT IMF TAX OTP.
by james in Corporate , Full Application , Laravel Script , Online banking on July 27, 2024Primev8.1 is an online banking php script, developed to solved the purpose of online Banking & Money Transfer system just like the real banks. PrimeV8.1have made a lot easier for developer and website designer who want to build build online banking website without wasting time.
*** Demo User Logins ***
Use the details below to login
Internet ID: 1202285598
Password: n@|u8L3gRB0
Pin: 123456
Primev8.1 is perfect choice for you if you handle banking system online as the function is very easy to understand. Not only the latest version of PHP (7.4 – 8.1), PrimeV8.1 contains awesome user dashboard screens with dark mode feature and other outstanding feature jam-packed on the dashboard.
This online banking Script has SMS and Cost Of Transfer Code, IMF & Tax Code. It source code was developed in PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and MySQL database.
Honestly, It’s made a lot easier for all developers and anyone can run this script by following the project instructions. So all features are given in the demo link
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