WP Eventin is a simple and easy to use Event Management Plugin to manage Event, Conference and Sell Tickets by WooCommerce. The Eventin Plugin supports WordPress Shortcode and Elementor Builder. The plugin comes with both Single and Multi Event features. You can use Zoom on Single Event and Schedule or Where you want.
Plugin Overview:
- 10+ Multi Event Widgets
- 5+ Speaker Widgets
- 3+ Single Event Widgets
- Elementor Widgets Support
- Zoom Integration
- Trendy Multi Repeater Schedule
- Speaker Listing
- Multi Speaker functionality
- Speaker Single Page
- WP Shortcode to insert menu into any text area
- Event Listing
- WooCommerece Payment System
Event Features:
- Add unlimited F.A.Q. to an event
- Event banner option with color or custom image as banner background
- Enhanced event dashboard with more data and advantage of searching, sorting option
- User notification about upcoming event
- Show counter on registration single page banner
- Multiple event templates for better user experience
Speaker Features:
- Provide personal portfolio website url for speaker
- Multiple speaker templates for better user experience
Reports Features:
- View event specific attendee list
- Export event specific attendee list
- Nice and eye-caching report for purchase history, sold ticket, remaining ticket
Elementor Widgets:
- Organizers widget with multiple templates
- Speakers widget with multiple templates
- Speakers slider widget with multiple templates
- Events widget with multiple templates
- Events slider widget with multiple templates
- Event countdown widget
- Schedule list widgets with multiple templates
- Schedule tab widgets with multiple templates
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